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在粮食作物中,马铃薯属于关键,诸多国家都是马铃薯产国,我国马铃薯种植栽培面积也十 分广泛,所以,需要针对于马铃薯特征全面普及其种植与栽培技术,以此来保障马铃薯总产量。  相似文献   
Herbage production is regarded as having environment-friendly credentials. However, as the ruminant production it supports is facing major challenges on sustainability, environmental footprint and human health concerns, EU herbage cultivar testing must contribute to the solutions. Before new cultivars can be sold in a member state (MS) and gain EU-wide marketing, they must pass official tests to prove they are both novel (distinct, uniform and stable, DUS) with improved value for cultivation and use (VCU). Herbage species present specific challenges, as their allogamy imposes a wide within-cultivar variation that adds complexity to DUS tests and their “value” is only realized in ruminant produce. Current VCU systems measure production, chemical composition and disease/stress tolerances, often on large numbers of candidate cultivars, but prohibitive labour costs and logistics mean that animal intake, ruminant output or environmental benefits cannot be measured directly. Furthermore, some candidate cultivars with proven superior VCU fail DUS even though the non-distinct comparison is with a significantly lower performing registered cultivar. To resolve these problem cases, a “vmDUS” distinctness tool is proposed, which uses molecular markers but conforms to UPOV-declared principles. A short overview of current grassland research shows smart proxy measures of animal value can easily and quickly be adopted into an integrated pan-European (EU-VCU) test network. The proposed EU-VCU scheme will reallocate test resources to conduct these additional tests by placing MS in data sharing collaborations, while retaining their national listing authority. The benefits to all stakeholders from adopting these new testing procedures are considered.  相似文献   
This study examines the impact of cash crop cultivation on household income and migration decisions, using survey data collected from low-income regions in China. Given farmers decide themselves whether to cultivate cash crops, an endogenous treatment regression model that accounts for potential selection bias issue is used to analyze the data. The empirical results show that cash crop cultivation exerts a positive and statistically significant impact on household income, but it does not affect household migration decisions significantly. The disaggregated analyses reveal that cash crop cultivation significantly increases farm income but decreases off-farm income.  相似文献   
为了促进人与自然和谐相处,保障生态文明建设,应做好森林资源保护培育工作。通过分析浙江龙泉地区珍贵阔叶树种保护培育工作的现状及问题,提出相应的对策,以完善龙泉地区森林资源建设,促进林业可持续发展。  相似文献   
为提高番茄无土栽培质量,以番茄品种"金福莱"为试材,研究了6种不同配比基质对河西走廊温室无土栽培番茄生长的影响。结果表明:采用处理Ⅳ(沙∶玉米秸秆∶食用菌下脚料∶商品基质∶鸡粪=4∶5∶5∶6∶3)的基质配比(体积比),番茄光合速率、蒸腾速率、胞间CO_2和气孔导度数值最大,植株保持较强的生长势与结果能力,番茄株高、茎粗、单株结果数、单株产量和折合667 m~2产量等性状均显著优于其他处理,分别为178.60 cm、1.13 cm、16.36个、3.12 kg和7 531.68 kg;其果实的可溶性糖、可滴定酸、可溶性固形物、VC和番茄红素含量最高,分别为4.15%、0.58%、7.30%、302.2 mg/kg和152.4 mg/kg,明显优于其他处理;因此,在河西走廊戈壁温室番茄无土栽培中推荐使用此配比基质。  相似文献   
为了充分发挥樱桃番茄观赏性强、营养价值高、菜果兼宜且经济效益突出的特点,满足广大消费者和种植户的热切需求,积极开展新品种选育、深入研究高效栽培管理技术具有重要的现实意义。在栽培面积不断增加、产量及品质出现瓶颈的情况下,对菏泽市多个樱桃番茄大棚种植园进行了实地调研,从品种选择、播种、培育壮苗、定植、田间管理、病虫害防治、果实采收等方面归纳总结出了菏泽市樱桃番茄日光温室栽培关键技术,以期为当地种植户实现促产增收提供依据。  相似文献   
作为当代一种新资源树种辣木,在营养、保健和医药领域有很高的应用价值,开发前景广阔。本文对郴州地区辣木的引种表现进行了总结,将育苗、定植、矮化栽培管理、采收利用等技术要点进行归纳,为辣木的进一步开发利用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
富硒猕猴桃高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜永 《中国果菜》2020,(2):77-80
鲜嫩的果肉、独特的风味以及丰富的营养价值,使得猕猴桃被称为“维C之王”,微量元素硒对人体的健康至关重要。江苏北部自然资源丰富,适宜种植富硒猕猴桃,且临近上海等沿海经济带,有利于猕猴桃的保质保量运输和及时供应市场。本文主要分析了江苏北部地区优质猕猴桃的配套种植技术,从苗木的选择到高产措施,为高品质富硒猕猴桃的生产提供技术支持。  相似文献   
谷优6866是福建禾丰种业股份有限公司利用福建省农业科学院水稻研究所育成的抗病水稻不育系谷丰A与自育籼型恢复系禾恢6866配组育成的三系杂交稻新品种。具有穗大粒多、丰产性和稳产性好、适应性广、较抗稻瘟病和熟期转色好等特点,2019年相继通过福建省和国家农作物品种审定。介绍了谷优6866的选育过程、区试产量表现、特征特性和高产栽培技术,为品种的推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   
T两优164是由福建六三种业有限责任公司、福建旺福农业发展有限公司、三明市农业科学研究院共同选育的中籼两系杂交水稻新品种。2018年在沙县作中稻示范种植,表现群体整齐,分蘖力强,穗大粒多,熟期转色好,米质较优,高产等特点。总结了T两优164在沙县作中稻种植表现及机械化高产栽培技术要点。  相似文献   
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